Dear Family and Friends,
Wow, Seth, Kyle, and Seleck look great! You can tell they finished their missions well! Thanks for the photos too!
That hilarious with the dog cut out! Good job Michael in protecting the house!! And dad that is awesome you made muffins for mom! Mom, I hope you had an extra special birthday because you are an extra special mother!
Joel is an investigador of the sisters in 4 de Julio in Tarija. He asked me to baptize him.
Please tell Sister Pace hi and give her a hug from mi!
This week went by fast! Wow, we are in week 3 of the transfer!
One highlight this week was el consejo de lideres. It is the leadership counsel that President holds with the assistants, zone leaders, and Sister training leaders of the whole mission.

My companion and I at consejo
In this counsel President talked about the importance of ministering to our zones. He told us that a powerful intercambio/exchange can bless and change the course of a missionary. I sure respect Presidente and Sister Rodriguez. This month they hit their two year mark in the mission, and President expressed his love for us and told us that he saw us as his fellow brothers in this great battle for our Savior Jesus Christ.
Also, I got to see Elder Stewart! He is doing great and he told me that Marilin and Josselin are still going to church. Also, Caudia´s dad gave her permission to be baptized if she commits to go to church each week. What a blessing!
Oh and Ivan (they spell Yban here) is doing much better. Thank you for your prayers. He is on his feet working again. After the counsejo my companion received a great impression to ask for clothes for Ivan. We talked to Hna. Rodriguez and we were able to get some dress shirts and pants for Ivan from the mission storage of clothes (when elders go home or new elders come in with a ton of extra clothing, you can donate it to the mission so that investigadores and converts can receive needed clothing)
The next day we gave Ivan his bag of clothes. He didn't say much but he had a genuine smile and we could tell he was very grateful for the clothes. When we left, I felt really happy and that we had completed our call to represent our Savior Jesus Christ and minister to him.
35For I was an hungred , and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger , and ye took me in:
36Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren , ye have done it unto me.
This week, I felt the truth of these scriptures and learned that there are many people in need that we can minister to!
Saturday, Elvis got baptized! My companion baptized him. After his baptism, he told me, "Wow, I really feel clean from my sins!"
Elvis and his baptism |
Sunday: We did divisions to pick up investigatores. I went to pick up familia Cardenas. We invited 4 of their neighbor's kids to go to church with us and they went! It was 8:55 and church was in 5 minutes and a miracle taxi pulled up and we fit 5 kids in the trunk, 4 adults (me and Julio included in the middle seats and the driver, Hna. Alexandra and her younger sister up front.
In total we fit 12 people in a 1997 Toyota Corolla hatchback. Oh, what a sight. But we made it to church on time!
I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ! It brings joy and peace to all children of God! This Church is true and what a blessing it is to have a latter day prophet and 12 apostoles who guide us!
Have a great week!
Elder Matheson

To celebrate the 4th we wore American colors and ate ice cream. My companion’s sweats are like the guy from Napoleon Dynamite. They make me laugh