This lunes for p-day we had an adventure and went to a river. As we were waiting for a public bus to come, a guy in his van pulled up and asked us if he could take us. He didn't charge us a lot so that was a huge tender mercy. We got to the river and had a BBQ. I even cooked some of the meat!
Also Tuesday, we had exchanges, and Elder Vidal came to my area. He is a good friend and an amazing elder from Chile! During the exchange, I got a really bad cold and used a whole roll of toilet paper for my super runny nose. But before lunch, I asked him for a blessing, and he blessed me the next day to have abounding strength. When I woke up Wednesday, I felt so much better, and on Thursday I was 100 percent. I know that priesthood authority is here on the earth, and to receive a blessing me must asked for it and have faith in our Savior Jesus Christ and he will work miracles in us!
Also, Marilin is progressing so well. She has read the Book of Mormon almost everyday and went to church all by herself, and she told us she loves what we are teaching her because it fills her full of hope!
I love Moroni 7:41 which teaches us that we have hope through the atonement of Christ and his resurrection to receive eternal life. Christ taught us his gospel to give us hope and to show us how to navigate this wonderful but somewhat storm filled life!
Please Pray for Marilin and that we can teach her husband as well and for Luis, Steven, Claudia, and Aidali!
Elder Matheson!
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