Baptism Date & Christmas in March
Dear Mom and Dad and
my wonderful family and friends!
First off mom your Spanish
is awesome. I think you and dad could serve a Spanish speaking misión!
Thank you also for putting the Escobar’s name en the temple and for all your
temple service. I sure can feel and see those blessings that come from
you going to the temple.
This Thursday was
like Christmas. Mom and dad I loved the package! Thank you! The
sweets were especially appreciated by me, Elder Barazoto and Elder Lefgren,
Elder Lozano y Elder Viana. We all loved the strawberries too. It was so
awesome to have them for the first time in the misión.
But the thing that
was the best of the package was your kind letters and the photo book. Dad
I've never seen your misión photo and the one of you and Wallis Marsh. That sure
made me smile and gave me courage to serve and work hard just like you have
done and find the Wallis Marsh’s of Bolivia. Also, Grandpa Aulvie’s mustache
looked awesome or genial en Español.
Right now we are in
the wet season, but we are starting to move in to fall. This morning I
was actually a little cold for the first time!

1. I learned how to
take care of and clean up this kind of sickness so when I am a dad I can help
my wife when she or my kids are sick.
2. It was such a good
opportunity to serve my companero y help him through the same trial I went
3. The ward was so
loving and helped us get the right medicine for Elder Barazoto, and today he is
feeling so much better!
At church, he was
feeling pretty bad and he was a little pale so we gave him a blessing.
Also, when President Rodriguez heard, he and his wife came and visited us at
church and gave us ride home to our home to rest for the day. I sure love
Presidente Rodriguez. Every time I am around him, I feel a fatherly love for me
and also the love of my Savior. I know that this is the misión I am
suppose to serve in and that I am suppose to serve with Presidente Rodríguez!
Presidente Rodríguez |
Also, this week, we
have a baptism scheduled for this Saturday with Hermana Diana. She is 17 years
old and her parents are members of the church but are inactive. Our goal
this week is to finish teaching her the commandments and help her have more
friends in the ward. If you would keep her in your prayers this week that
she will continue to have the desire to be baptized and that she will receive
strength and answers to her prayers, I know that we can baptize her this Saturday.
Also, Familia Escobar
are taking about marriage, and this week we will meet with them with a hermano
de la iglesia to discuss about the papers for their marriage! Thank you
for putting their names in the temple!
Mom and dad I love
you so much and I know that this church is true. This week I finished the
Book of Mormon, and I know that this book is true because every time I read it
I am filled with joy and my faith in Jesus Christ grows. Truly every good
thing helps us come closer to our Savior Jesus Christ and believe in him.
I love and pray for you everyday! It is so crazy how fast the mission is flying
by. I am so grateful to have these two years to testify and invite others
to come unto Jesus Christ and be baptized and start the wonderful journey to
return with Him forever!!
Love your son,
Elder Matheson!
Luna, our neighbor's/landlord's dog, says "Hi!" to Gracie and Hope |
Modified Biscuits and Gravy we made during Carnaval |
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