Monday, September 17, 2018

Homeward Bound

Dear Mom and Dad and my wonderful family and friends!

This week was amazing! Leonilda, Anahy, and John were baptized! So crazy story. John is 10 years old, and his parents are less active and lived in the ward but then moved to the north mission and this last couple of months have been attending our ward. This week they moved back into our ward boundaries, and John asked Mark, his cousin, who leaves on his mission this Tuesday, to baptize him.

So we coordinated with the family, and in 3 days we taught John all of the lessons. We left him with 3 Nephi 11 to read and we invited him to ask God if the book was true and if he should be baptized this Saturday. He prayed, and the next day he told us, "I think I received an answer because last night I had a dream and I saw God.” The faith of a child is incredible. So this Saturday John was baptized too.
Baptismo de John, Leonilda y Anahy
Mark and John and their family

Hna Leonilda!

Also Sunday was a bitter-sweet day. I got to say goodby to the wonderful people here in Antofagasta.  Wow,  I cant believe it is my last week.  I feel so happy, sad, and strange.  Yesterday, I said good bye to our amazing ward.  Mark, a joven in our ward, is leaving on the mission this Tuesday so it was a really special sacrament meeting.  Mark talked then Elder AbendaƱo and I and Hno. Sabatierra sang I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go.  They sang and I played the violin.  Afterward I got to have a tiny farewell talk.  The spirit was so strong during the sacrament meeting, and I felt so happy.  I sure am going to miss this ward.
La familia Salazar

Michael y Indira

Familia Gallardo

Hna Andrea, our pensionista
La familia Paco! They even brought us pizza.

Yesterday we ate soooooo much food. We were stuffed and very happy.
La conferencia with Elder Texeida

As a zone we did an invasion in by a flea market. We printed out smiley faces and taped them on our back and chest and walked around asking people if they wanted to know how to be happy. We sure got a lot of attention and a lot of people listened to us. Some came up and to take pictures with us.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and that His gospel brings us happiness.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. I can’t wait to see you all this Saturday!


Elder Matheson

P.S. Please keep praying for familia Gallardo. They had some trials this week. Two of their cars of their business were in crashes.

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